Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shout Out From The Past: Albert Einstein

Top image: Sir Einstein in Palms Spring in 1932 (image via thisisnotporn.net)

I'll tell you why I love this genius. It has nothing to do with Science or his theory of relativity ("e = mc2") that unlocked the world's mysteries blah blah blah. I still don't understand ANYTHING Science related. Seriously. It is simply because when he was young and underachieving at school, when his teachers thought he was too 'stupid to learn', his parents bought him a violin and a piano.
If you understand the science that goes into, not only playing, but perfecting these instruments, you will understand why a man of his brain power took this passion into his adulthood.

One of my favorite quote from him: "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

I will actually post an extract from cerebromente.org on Music and the Brain. It's spot on and explains fully the relation of Music to us human beings.

Any who, have a lovely day. The weather has been winking at me for 2days in a row ;)

marshmallow kisses

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