Thursday, May 13, 2010

Growing Up Is Not For Kids...

Oh my! I'm actually emotionally exhausted from trying to make sense of a (soon-to-be) 25year old's life. My Life.


I have been trying to actually start taking charge of things I've always let slip away, mainly from being naive in thinking they will eventually sort themselves out. What a mess they've become!
So, I've decided to stick to my word, which isn't as easy as it sounds for an impulsive cancerian who calls herself Mellow. Seriously.

So, THIS is MY year to start taking life 'seriously'. Yeah, I know, only now right...It just hit me how growing up 25 seemed so old and far away and now look, I'm 'passing time awaiting life' in it.

I have decided to start keeping track of the R3 that might have gone unnoticed in my account then. I balance my bank statements, I'm checking if the medical aid option I'm on is really what I need and worth it, how much of my salary actually goes into bank charges, heck, even whether I should switch banks for that matter. I also decided to finally start going to gym, after paying Planet Fitness for 12months without ever walking in or out of there.
It's okay though, after all these ups and downs, I managed to spoil myself with some lingerie shopping. I know right, money well spent there ;) TICK!

Now I know why I used to think some of my friends were too pedantic when it comes to withdrawing money from any other ATM. I've never been a friend of numbers hence I always blame it on being 'a right brain'.

Well now that I'm in the process of sticking to my words, here's to hoping I'll maintain some form of consistency without pulling 'blogouts' and going M.I.A.

I missed you mixedtapediaries, it's good to be back. Now let's do what kids do best, Let's Play!


1 comment:

  1. sometimes living life is just letting it happen
    i don't know, i'm just saying
